rainy day today. i haven't done too much so far, just laid around & then chatted with austin about travel dates, then went to the post office, had a cup of coffee until a storm blew over, and rode the bike to the market for milk, salad dressing, and garlic. it wasn't too bad, the bike ride. well, my legs are aching, but at least mentally it was fine. the drivers here are a lot more conscientious of bikes, and the roads are in much better condition, so i wasn't quite so stressed the entire time. it was just over a mile each way, although i walked a little bit of those distances as well. the only thing that really stinks is that my basket is screwed up. the bracket that attaches it to the handle bars is bent into practically an s-curve. i'm going to have to go into the bike store, i guess, and see if they can repair it. as it is, the basket drags down against the front tire, which surely isn't good.
anyway, then i had a chat with my mom about how i'm probably not going home for thanksgiving, but going to atlanta instead. plane tickets are cheaper, and it's really the only time in november that i can be out of town for a weekend to see austin. if you care, this is what we sort of worked out as a visiting schedule:
sept 12-14: me to ATL (austin's birthday is the 11th, so i can be there for most of the celebration)
late sep/early oct: austin to PGH
oct 9-12: me to ATL (HOT CHIP is in ATL on the 9th! woooooooot i'm skipping class etc)
nov 7-9: austin to PGH (my parents will be here as well, it's the UofL vs. Pitt football game!)
nov 26-30: me to ATL (THANKSGIVING!)
dec 14 - jan 4: christmas break, i will hit both louisville and atlanta, and hopefully austin can come up here for a day or two as well)