Jun 08, 2013 17:18

This is like utter, addictive crack. I've no idea where I got this link, really, I'm absolutely not in SPN fandom, haven't watched it since they offed Bobby. I always open in new window, so I couldn't backtrace it (or wouldn't know how) ... Anyways, not important.
From the beginning the content felt utterly stalkerish, yet, I couldn't stop reading. It's like badfic that you cannot put down and yet are aware that you're never getting back the time spent reading the shit.
Whole thing is either extremely sad that J2 should need to cover up to such extent, or that they are under such fan scrutiny - that everything they do has double meaning. I don't know which possibility scares me more.

ETA Found the site! It was Go Fug Yourself, of all places!
(They do link to the best stuff.)

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