Apr 27, 2005 18:59
1) Pick a song that everyone will know
2) type the lyrics into an online translation service such as altavista and translate the words as followed:
English to German
German to French
French to Portuguese
Portuguese to English.
3) post the results and have people guess what song it is.
this one's not super hard, except that about half of it stayed in german...
The day, in the roads of an American dream to cross for the houses of field of the fame in the suicide devices we conduct part the night, we lead the pictures on the road, the chromium that is turned, of the injectado fuel and steppin "on the line bebé ' to result external part" this Stadtrips the bones of your coasts a trap of deaths is to it part, 9 Real to sweat ' of "a Selbstmordpochen received to it - in leaving them, while we youngster ' Tramps cause as we to be, bebé we had been born, to make to run Wendy left, that he would want to be me yours friend, justement the l ' entour you jambes" die Rahmen heraus auf Landstrasse 9 entsprungen werden, DES Chroms, of gedreht werden, DES eingespritzten Kraftstoffs und DES steppin ' heraus to ueber to give to Linie Baby diese Stadtrips die Knochen von Ihrer Rueckseite es eine Todesfalle ist, es schwitzen, ist - ein Selbstmordpochen to wir erhielten hinauszugehen, waehrend to wir Junge "Ursache Tramps wie to wir sind, Baby to wir geboren waren, one laufen zu lassen Wendy liess mich, innen, of ich Ihr Freund sein moechte, ich Ihre Traeume schuetzen moechte und Anblicke gerade aufwickeln Ihre Beine ' ringsum diese Samtkanten und gurten Ihre Haende to ueber meinen Maschinen zusammen to wir koennten brechen diese Falle nous, jusqu ' will, gone vocês part with me on the conduction ' to the cause bebé, me mitfahrer scared and only satisfied of discovering me however it received, as it believes it who would want to know, if loves rapariga wild additions me to know wanted, if the love is true for beyond the palace cries the zângões hemi-angetriebene for low the luxury road that are therefore strong raparigas its hair in rearview the mirrors to comb and the youngsters to try to look at, the ascents of amusement park, is rigid fat person and chevreaux on the beach in a urgent fog me with vocês Wendy on the roads this night to samer Mitfahrer gerecht bin ' dass ich wissen moechte, wenn Liebe wildes Maedchen ist ich wissen moechte, wenn real Liebe ist Ueber dem Palast hinaus schreien hemi-angetriebene Drohnen to hinunter die Prachtstrasse, welche die Maedchen ihr Haar in den rearview Spiegeln kaemmen und die Jungen versuchen zu schauen, also stark sind die Vergnuegungsparkaufstiege, die fett sind und die steifen Zicklein auf dem Strand in einem Nebel gepresst ich mit Ihnen Wendy auf den Strassen heute abend in einem ewig Kuss sterben moechte Der Landstrasse, die mit defekten Heldern auf joins dernière commande d ' appareil fortuite chacun sur la course est accumulé dehors ce toutefois là to soir, n ' est pas of place of dissimuler to gauche, ensemble DES Wendy that of Verruecktheit totalities in my soul of one day rapariga expensive, does not know, when we to the this place, which let us turn to really go we would want and we to the sun they go, however, until as let us be then bebé tramps, born we, to run