for jutt.

Aug 20, 2005 12:54

ill miss you terribly jutttttyyy ; i mean who else would carry me back and forth over a puddle i couldv walked around just because?

who would play TBS for me in the parking lot infront of CICIs

who would make up a rap song for me and leave it on my voicemail , then make another about my A&F..

who else would talk to me for hours when i was upset and no one would just tell me the truth.. like you did

who else would walk me up to my door at the end of the night and kiss me goodnight like a gentlemen?

you were wonderdful in every way. your an amazing friend + person. i love you dood. and i cant wait for you to come back.

JuttyBomb: ill miss u
AErocks your ass: i do miss you
JuttyBomb: :-)

last night was amazing.

yesterday was amazing.

this whole week has been absolutely wonderful.

i love all my friends so much ;;

especially last night when i started going fuckin bizerk and you guys all had my back. my knuckles hurt from punching that van lol. imagine if i actually hit her... not a big deal though, i mean liars are liars. so whatever. lol


Chrismc2016: i hate the sound of lawnmowers

random. so lovely lol.

and i TOTALLY CONCUR with a ms brittany howard..boys are trouble. we hate you.
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