Oct 24, 2005 09:42
Well, my weekend was pretty shitty, how bout ya'lls?? Lets see, stayed in the fucking house the whole god damn weekend with the exception of saturday evening where I got a surprisenly pleasent vist from Jennifer. I didn't even know she was coming to town. Well, she didn't either until the last minute but I'm glad she came and visted me. A little part of me would of died if she didn't.
The shitty part of my weekend was this. Thrusday I cashed the two checks my mom sent to me. So I finally had money to go buy my items that I need like shampoo, body wash, etc. So ever since Thursday I've been trying to get someone to take me to wal-mart which is right down the effin street and NO ONE would take me. Every time I would wake up in the mornings either no one would be there or they would and were about to leave. I mean seriously, I JUST NEED TO GET A FEW THINGS!!! It will take 30 minutes tops!! Then you can go do whatever the hell it is that you do. But oh no, they have to be anal bitches and not do a damn thing. I guess I should just pull my car out of my ass and drive myself to where ever it is I want to go. Because if ya'll didn't know I'm capable of doing that apperantly!! Fucking shitty ass people I live with. GAH!! They make me want to pull all my hair out. My little cousin is probably right, I probably do have grey hairs from these hoes. I guess I'm gonna have to bust out with the hair dye soon!!
This weekend I'm gonna have some fun. I dont care what anyone says. I'm doing what I want and someone WILL TAKE ME DAMN'T!!! I just dont understand why people have be crappy all the time. I mean damn, I never knew of people who were so wrapped up in their own llittle world. They dont give a shit about anyone else but themselves. Even the little kids try to act like that but I stop that real fast. They dont complain to me anymore because they know I dont give a rats ass. Suck it up is what I tell them. Most people would think it's harsh but seriously, if they are fakin like everyone else in this damn house does then I'm not gonna feed in to it. Oh the things these people do. It's ridiculous. I seriously must of done something shitty to have karma bite me in the ass like this. I better start checking myself!
Today, however, is going rather swimmingly!! Well, with the exception of my first class. I wasn't exactly prepared for my quiz. Sucks ass. But thats ok. I will make up for it. I'm not sweating balls or anything so please, spare me your encouraging comments. I will delete them. Sorry, but I will. Anyways, we finally got our cold front in. THANK FUCKING GOD!! I mean seriously, it took forever to get cold. It better stay this way to or I'm gonna be uber pissed off!! Well, there isn't much else to say. I might post some pictures up later if I get the chance. IF you want it to be cut or whatever then you better tell me. Otherwise I post them all at the same time. Also, if you want me to cut it then you will have to tell me specific directions instead of telling me to read the damn help thing. Because I did that and it LIED TO ME!! Everytime I tried to do it it wouldn't work. So it screwed up, not moi!! Anyways, until later!