Well, so far so shitty. I had a horrible headach today and I dont even know why. I got good rest last night and I ate breakfast and had a bottle of water. I dont understand it. Anyways, I deffiently should of taken upoun the free icecream in the cafateria. I would of gotton a cool coffee mug. It was one of those big ones. There must be something wrong with me. But it's cool. Maybe something else will come along next week. One can only hope.
I came home and went stright to sleep and was passed out from 12:45p.m. until 4:00 p.m. I knew I was tired but DAMN!!! Anyways, now I'm about to go eat a pizza and watch the boob tube. See ya'll later!!!
http://www.passthepotato.com/potato-3.php?potatoid=050907175201-176861 I too have joined the passing of the potato for a living!!!!!!