(no subject)

Dec 11, 2006 23:43

Dear people who are not yet in college;
Do yourself a favor, and go to a school that's pass/fail.
It's pretty much the most amazing thing ever.

My first semester here at Mudd is pass/fail: Tomorrow, I have a final in Special Relativity/Quantum Mechanics, and you know what? I'm not gonna study for it. Not even going to try. You know why?

Because passing is a 40% in the class, and my avarage, if I get a 0 on the final, is a 48.5%.

I'm going to miss pass/fail so much.


Other random amazing things about college:
1) Today I woke up at noon. It's monday.
2) In-N-Out is really really good
3) Crappy computer music makes for great entertainment
4) From 8:45-9:00pm last night 100 Mudders ran around shooting finger rockets at each other, blowing horns and playing with enourmously large balls
5) During the same time ("noisy minutes") West Dorm crashed some monitors and some other large flammable objects
6) Tonight, they lit those things on fire.
7) Mint Hot Chocolate which I'm still trying to figure out if it was spiked or not.
8) Free food.
9) the network.
10) Sparkling Apple Cider every Sunday at the Hoch. mmm. so good.
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