Painted by Numbers

Jan 27, 2010 01:22

Painted by Numbers (1/6)
Rating: G - R
Summary: A collection of math-inspired Kyuhae drabbles.
Word Count: 600

For hyungdeul , my fellow Kyuhae stan who is just keysmashingly nice.  I know this isn't what you were hoping for, but I hope it makes a tolerable read in the meantime :)


1. Asymptotes

Kyuhyun learns about y = 1/x in grade four, when singing was just a church duty and math consumed his waking hours.  He’s drawn it hundreds of times since - variations on the formula - moving it left and right, up and down, expanding and contracting.

He thinks, sometimes, that he and Donghae are like two lines on that graph, infinitely close but never touching, and Kyuhyun the x-axis can extend and chase all he can, but he will never meet Donghae in the end.

2. Brackets

[He feels himself stretched open.  The burn is familiar and quickly settles to a dull ache in his back.  He should be used to his by now, but that doesn’t stop him from wrapping a hand around his cock to maintain his erection.

Harder, he pants, and gets his wish.  The headboard crashes rhythmically against the wall; a large hand knocks away his and takes over.  It doesn’t feel good like it should, but that’s not what he needs tonight.

It doesn’t take long before he hears soft litanies of love being gasped in his ear.  He’s close too, so close, despite the pain in his backside, and it’s strange, because he’s never considered himself a masochist, except -

(I still love you.  Donghae slurs, unfocused gaze burning him everywhere it lands, I want to kiss you again.)]

Warm arms encircle his waist.  Naked skin presses against his damp back.  Puffs of warm breath bathe his nape.  Fingertips trace lazy patterns on his stomach, dragging through a mixture of come and lube.

“Sleep well, Kui Xian, we have a busy schedule tomorrow.”

He makes a noise of drowsy agreement and bruises his lips with trembling fingers.

3. Correlation

Kyuhyun has noticed a trend lately in the way his heart beats erratically around Donghae and his mind becomes fuzzy and unfocused at his smiles.  He wonders if this might mean something, because physiological reactions to another human being are common, especially if feelings are involved.

But the first lesson he learned in statistics, the one the teacher kept drilling them on through the better half of a year, is that correlation does not equate to causation.  So he goes to the doctor’s office and they tell him he’s a tad hypotensive and malnourished and shows him proof in the form of blood pressure readings and blood test results.

Kyuhyun is nothing if not logical, so he goes home and eats a bowl of Ryeowook’s bone marrow soup.  But a week later, his cheeks have gained a healthy flush, yet those symptoms still remain.  He wonders if his teacher was wrong after all.

4. Deciles

Kyuhyun’s always strived to be above average, and it’s not enough to be just above average - no, that’s for slackers - and Kyuhyun’s not willing to settle for something so easily obtained.

So he graduates middle school at the top ten, five, one percent of his class with stellar recommendations from all the teachers who would gush endlessly about his achievements given half a chance, and it’s hard not to get a little bit proud in face of all these compliments.

Reality brings him down by way of the “U” choreography.  By the end of the first practice, Kyuhyun despairs over his occupancy at the other end of the bell curve.  So when a bright-eyed boy with liquid hips offers him remedial dance lessons, he gladly accepts, nevermind that the Kyuhyun one year ago would have turned up his nose at getting help from someone so average.

He learns later, though, after having those liquid hips grind against his countless times, that he's pretty below average when it comes to interpersonal relationships.  But that's alright, because he's got someone who gladly teaches him all the nuances of building rapport, right down to the first kiss.


Thank you for reading.  Any grammar, spelling, and syntax errors are my own.  Feel free to point out any shortcomings; I want to get better at this writing gig if I can 8D

pbn, pairing: kyuhyun/donghae, fic

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