Between McCain's attacks about funding a $3 million scientific project on grizzly bears, and now attacks about funding a $3 million planetarium projector (or, as McCain would say, "overhead projector"), he's coming off as extremely anti-science and research
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There are Religious Scientists who go out of their way to "prove" that their "Holy" Texts are true and infalable. This is something that is both asanine and retarded. Those public schools which are forced to teach "Creationism Science/ID" along side of Evolution are because their are fucktarded idiots who gather simple minded comfort in a supernatural being that probably doesn't exist. Or if he/she/it does exist; he/she/it cares about us as much as we give a shit about viruses.
Palin is the Religious Reich's answer to Hilary Clinton to garner the female vote and the whole Bull Shit Soccer Mom image is a scam and lie. She's about as deep as post rainstorm puddle and would dry up as soon as the light of truth is shined on her and her lies.
Any woman who votes for her should have their voter registration card revoked. Report to the nearest AoG church for impregnation by one their male members. Quit their "job" and stay home barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen for their childen and man of the house.
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