The End to the Age of Social Media

Jan 03, 2020 17:04

One can only hope, right? It's psychologically draining and largely unfulfilling, I think in particular with the creatively inclined. I found myself changing for the platforms I was on. Rather than finding an entry point into what is, social media seems to crush us all into what should be. What should be wasn't being created by me either, it was being created by the desires, philosophies, and priorities of companies like facebook and twitter. I should be concise and snappy, I should always be dunking, I should be popular and witty, I should be outraged, clicking, forever clicking and getting nowhere.

I should be okay with the algorithm, happy with the system set up for interactions, thankful that I have a platform to find an audience.

I sometimes think the allure of connection, easy distribution, and lottery like fame tempted us all into something that removed so much autonomy from our actions. Not the autonomy of doing, but the autonomy of being.

Will this space be better? That's hard to say. Better is an odd qualification across things that don't compare. This will be different, and I need different for 2020.
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