I am back. Not totally as my RL has seemed to become my own private hell lately. But it could possibly be getting better? *crosses fingers* My cookie jar request that I claimed was released today and I feel bad about it. I'm still writing it and have talked to the recipient and she seems ok with it. But I wish I had gotten it done in time. *sigh* What I have managed to finish was my coercion challenge fic for
hp_rimming. :D Go read it.
Title: Bent
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Severus gives Harry a lesson in obedience.
A/N: I am so Charm's bitch.
Link I plan on starting my drabbles back up in the next few days. I was going to try to get one out tonight, I may still, but my head is fucking killing me. Thanks for being patient with me guys. I love you all and I am so terribly happy to be back. Let me know if I've missed anything important. I'm still catching up on my replies, but I promise I'll get to all of them eventually. :D