My Sigyn - BBC Sherlock Holmes AU/One-Shot (Part 1)

Apr 16, 2015 01:51

"Really Sherlock, do you understand the repercussions of what you've done!?"

John shouted at the taller man in anger, his hands on the other man's neck, strangling him. Sherlock, on the other hand, struggled against his friend's vice-like grip on his neck. He anticipated for John to be angry and might try to kill him, he didn't know that his friend will actually do it. Wide-eyed and struggling, John's words pierced his heart and he immediately felt a twinge of guilt. He has to fake his own death to stop Moriarty and to save the people important to him, he knows that with his death, they'll be hurt and tehy'll be angry at him. He knows that. He'd rather be painted the villain to save the people he cared about, as he always does.

"John, please love, stop!"

Mary pleaded to her fiance', her hands on his shoulders trying to stop him from killing his not-really-dead friend, Sherlock Holmes. She heard about him from both John and Miodori, the latter being Sherlock's former fiance'. Although she heard a few snippets of information from them, since the topic is too painful to be mentioned especially to Mio, Sherlock's death brought a heavy toll on the pairs shoulders. For the first six months in their relationship, she has to console him about the loss of his friend. She and John were dating for about a year when she met Mio, lovely woman she thought, they got almost immediately which she knows relieved John.

From what John told her, Mio flew out of England right after Sherlock's funeral because she couldn't bear to be in the place that reminded her all the memories she shared with her (not really) dead fiance'. It wasn't until three months after the funeral that she realized she was pregnant. Mary's heart went out for the young woman, it must've been a bitter-sweet feeling when the latter found out she was pregnant. Mio is a sweet young woman, pretty soon they were like sisters and she also got close to the younger woman's twin. Back to the present, Mary understood that John is mostly angry at Sherlock on behalf of Mio. She wryly thought that if Yuuko were here, the younger woman will do far worse than what John is doing to Sherlock right now.

Meanwhile somewhere in Heathrow Airport, another person arrives.

part 1, wip, drama, au/one-shot, sherlock_holmes_bbc, romance

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