The first of many?

Sep 30, 2006 16:31

Its 3:39 on a saturday late afternoon almost evening. I have just woken up. Where the hell the day go?
It doesnt really matter anywy, from now until thursday one day will just melt into the other, and all I have to tell that one moment is different from another is a wall calender from staples business depot. Thanks Staples. So what happened? Why am I writing this journal entry, and why is this the first. I told myself Id write here a long time ago, so why now? what caused it? Well truth be told if I knew, I wouldnt be writing, and this Live Journal profile would go to waste for another month or so. So Lets see if I can figure out why... I think it rests on the topic of ignorance....and people.....yes, ignorance and people, terrible combination. I think the seed of frustration was already there when it comes to people and ignorance, the catalyst was a cartoon. Now wait a minute a cartoon?! What the heck is wrong with me....WRONG, wrong question to ask, first thing everyone would say isnt it? or think anyway. But look at the cartoon for gods sakes. What was this cartoon? And why did it do what it did? The Boondocks. If anyones ever watched and analysed it. They'll know. So where is this all going... I still dont know. I dont think Im too sure on a lot of things......but wait I lied, I am sure about almost everything in my life right now, except for three things. Three major things which give me grief on a long term level. Wow. I got side tracked. Catalyst for what? For the reason or enough motivation to express my feelings of how (here comes the pinnacle of this entry I think) people can be such dumb shits.

Im holed up here in a city where the popluation is a quarter of that of where I used to live. So Ive decided to dedicate my mind on things that I havent had the time, nor maturity to think about over this month of solitary. And think about properly from all angles, like I used to. And so, Ive had time to look around, listen and just keep my eyes open. Listen to my friends, my enemies and people I didnt even know. Ive found out that some of my enemies should have been my friends and some of my friends I dont even know....some who I even thought were the close to me. I have also found out why small city minds stay in the small city, and why big city minds arent here. Ive realized how stupid interactions are are repetitive. Now thats on a small level. A level of social interaction is only a microscopic thorn in my side. The news. Ive watched and read both sides of every news story.....which brings me to something else. If you want to know the truth in any issue, the only way to do so is be there yourself......So all I have to say is what. the. hell. is. wrong. with. everyone?

Some how the energy of imbalance and stupidity flows from big concept to small concept, and around again. Thats what was bugging me at 3:39 this afternoon? Damn, I really need to eat something and take a shower.
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