Mar 05, 2010 11:21
My neighbor is writing something. And I was asked if I would please answer this question due to my position in a group home.
"with such a difficult, but important position, could you please describe in 3 sentences or less, where do you find goodness in this world?
So. Let's now discuss.
I do believe that good exists. I also believe that bad and evil are much easier to sight and remember than good. It's true of most experiences, in fact. Think of your childhood. Yes, there are fun memories. But which ones stick out more? The best birthday ever...or the worst? The best time you ever had, or the worst and hardest? Did you even have happy moments as a child?
Some people did, some people made their own. Some people had no choice.
I work with pedophiles. And MAN is that weird to do. Yes they have intellectual and developmental disabilities, but when it comes down to it...their sexual arousal responses are triggered by the thought of a child. Despite the humanity and dignity that I bring to them every day I'm working with them....I'm not working with them to stop them from being pedophiles. I'm working with them to stop them from acting out on it, yes...but...I say this because I see the dark side of sexuality and humanity every day.
Have you ever noticed how many children are EVERYWHERE? In movies, tv shows, commercials, advertisements, taking walks, in the mall, in the grocery store, at the bowling alley. Everywhere that the men I support go, they have to 'monitor.' Someone else controls their finances. Someone else controls their schedules. They have to schedule outings. They don't just get to decide, "I want to go for a hike." or "I want to go take a walk."
Everything is planned ahead of time.
And you know what? Before they were at this place....they all lived in places that were full of humiliation and degradation. And he places I've worked before here have been full of souls which have had the life kicked and beat and bored out of them due to being misunderstood. They have been locked up in isolation because they can't think the way you and I can. They have been taking from their families....or worse, they have been abandoned and left to die because they are too difficult. In older times people were thought to be possessed if they had mental deficiencies.
Humans don't have a good track record when dealing with people with disabilities. Or people who are different.
So how do I find good in the world when the aforementioned things run through my head on a daily basis?
I adore watching people do what they love - it pulls at my heart strings. People don't get to do what they love enough. Some people don't even know what they love.
I find good in experience. What are you experiencing today?
I find good in learning and growth. Did you see anything new or exciting or different today? What did you think of it?
I find good in what makes you tick and think and desire to do anything more than what you've been doing.
I find good in my friends who love me and support me.
I find good in moments. I find it in the expression that says, "You are listening to me, loving me, giving me dignity, and letting me be my own man." I find it in a sunrise, in an inexpensive can of soup or a bag of apples that will keep my stomach and bank account full. I find good selfishly - in a shared meal, a stimulating conversation, in the opportunity to choose for myself, or a new thought that leads to another path. Good does exist, it's just hard to recognize sometimes.
Now, how do you find good in the world friends?