Emotions Created by
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bzoink!+ Basics +Are you emotional :Unfortunatley.Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few :Not usually. Although, the first few times I heard "Graduation" by Vitamin C I cried.What about movies :Sunset Story made me cry the whole time. I almost always cry during the end of Evita.What emotion do you usually feel :Content.+ Sadness +What does it take to make you cry your heart out :Being told things I am not ready to hear. Being put through alot of actual physical pain.How many times have you done that :Just a few.Where do you cry :Anywhere that I am alone.Do you hate crying :No.Do you like it when others cry :No. Ask Molly.Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :No.Who looks good when they cry :Who checks people out in their moment of misery?How else do you express sadness :We should not get into that. But know that I haven't done it in a bit.Are you sad all the time :No.+ Anger +What does it take to make you mad :Being underestimated. Being walked all over. Liars. Being stabbed in the back.What do you do when you're angry :We've
already gone over the fact that I don't want to talk about this. But,
if it is anyone I feel comfortable yelling at, I will. Otherwise, I
have my ways.How short is your temper :I am actually pretty difficult to piss off.How long does it take you to calm down :On the flip side, my being almost never angry seems to make the moments of anger carry on extensivley.What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad :I once hit Derrik Wild with a metal baseball bat when he threw a basketball at my head. But we were seven.Do you freak out when others are angry :No. Except for my father because he is a rather unpredictable short tempered angry person.Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :Can't say they have.What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad :Lied to me and stabbed me in the back and majorly let me down all at once.Do you anger people :I hope not.+ Joy +How often are you happy :Usually.What makes you happy :Friends. Movies. Driving around. Being independent.What do you do when you're happy :I am usually out having a good time.How optimistic are you :I
dislike optimistic and pestimistic ideas. Things aren't just good or
just bad so deal with it and get realistic. Be ready for the worst but
hope for the best.Do happy people make you mad :Not unless they are flaunting their happiness to purposely aggrivate me.What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :Something to make their happiness go away.Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone :I
have grown up in this house raised by empty promises. I have learned
that when something is told to me, to expect it to be forgotten. So, my
"party's" no surprise.Ever been so happy you cried :No.Do you smile a lot :Depends on what kind of a day it is. I don't like my smile thoguh, so if I am, it isn't on purpose.Kiss people a lot:Not at all. I wish that was even a little bit sarcastic.Who really makes you happy :They know who they are.Do you like doing things for people when you're happy :I am always up for doing something for someone else if I found it worth the effort.+ Fear +What do you do when you're scared :Try to find someone to be scared with but also not aggrivate them.What scares you :Living in Brockton. My empty house at night.Do you like scaring people :Sometimes.Do you like the trill of being frightened :I like thrill. And risk. So long as I am asking for it, bring it on.Does fear accompany anger in your case :No.Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe :No.How often do you panic :Not very often.What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER :The
time after that haunted house when I was sleeping and gotten woken up
by my uncle dressed up as Jason with a chainsaw at the end of the bed!
Ah, I love those people.What do you do to calm your nerves :Can we just once more, not get into this?Do rollercoasters scare you :No way. I love them.+ The strongest emotion +What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :"Listen To Your Heart" by Roxette as of recently.Movie :Evita by far.Commericial :Thet new Dr. Pepper one.Person :My mother.Thing :This is going to sound dumb, but a book that somebody gave me.Sight :The prom picture. That night took alot of emotion out of me.Sound :This is cheesy and I am not going to tell you cause that's how lame it is.Food :Cinnamon rolls. You should really just not ask about most of these, but if you need to go ahead.Thing you're looking forward to/want :Moving out.+ What do you do +When the emotion suck :Deal with it.When the emotion rocks :Try to keep it going.When there's no emotion :Stir things up.+ Would you rather +Never feel again :What would be the point?Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :Loneliness.Be happy forever and never experience bad times :Then happy would be overdone and not as fun.Cause misery :Or.....?Feel misery :Oh, okay. I guess cause misery. I've dealt with my share of it.Be alone :Or.....?Be with everyone you know :Be alone. Everyone would be a bit much. Where would you even put us?+ Who +Cheers you up more than anyone else :I think it is Catelynn. I think Catelynn gets me.Angers you more than anyone else :My mother or Jill.Scares you more than anyone else :Who scares me the most? Nobody scares me really. It's never really people, usually more circumstances.Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :I think it's Brandi.Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :Caitlin.
I think that there are things that I could say to her that she would
take the wrong way. So with Caitlin I think more before I speak.
Bonk your mom. | Fiddle with a cat. | Mess around with a cripple.