Apr 12, 2007 17:04
If my entries were as funny and cool as John Mayer's, would I be like John Mayer? If I posted the kinds of things he does, would I also be able to sell millions of records and be just about as fabulous as I could be? Probably not. So I guess it's a good thing that I don't write blogs that are remotely near as cool as him, because I'd be completely let down by the fact that I'm not as cool as John Mayer.
In any case.
Thank god I have internet on campus now. It means I don't have to be bored mindless, sitting in my car, scratching my... head... waiting for tennis to start after english. Than god for that, right? I knew you were worried about me. Oh, yes. I'm back in school. After the past 6 years or so of doing my thing, enjoying the homeworkless freedom of LIFE, I've decided to pursue some other interests. Like education, philosophy and the like. Also, I figure maybe I'll meet some really hot guys while I'm biding my time for the man of my dreams to stop traveling and get his ass back to me and marry me already. It'll happen. I swear. Mark my words.
So. Here I sit in a library computer room that is way too over air conditioned for a cold day in April. (don't worry i'm still using MY laptop not some stupid PC they have here) Everywhere has been freezing lately. I want my toes to be warm in my flip flops. This IS california. HELLOOOOO, did someone forget that? Did the weather person go... hey, let's pretend it's.... i dunno, somewhere that feels like this in April. I guess I'm whining for no reason since I know some of my friends in Nashville said it snowed recently and so therefore I'm sure it's nippy like a nipple on the upper east coast. Oh well. I'm still going surfing and since I have a wet suit, the weather can't stop me!! MWAHAHAHA.
See? Not as cool, funny, or close to John Mayer. I'll write a letter to Blue Cheese salad dressing next time. Maybe then I'll at least be a step in the right direction..........