Oct 18, 2005 08:02
Start your day off right, that's what I always say. And why not start that day off with red eyes.
I slept. OH did i sleep. Only to get woken up a little too often to hear the cat scratching in it's litter box. Now... I gotta say. I may be more of a dog person than a cat person... but maybe that's because my own cat is such a fucking pain in my ASS! He goes to the bathroom way too much for my liking. More than a dog. That's just wrong. Cats are meant to be eeeeaaassiiierrr .I dont think my cat read his manual actually. He's just skimming through it to the parts he wants to read and refusing to read the important tidbits that are vital to his survival... ie: me not killing him.
This lovely rainy Tuesday... i think it's Tuesday anyway... morning, I awake to hear him scratching. This time it is not inside his litter box. It is on my bathroom door, and my bathroom wall, and he is managing to completely unravel my entire roll of toilet paper as he tends to do every so often. This cat is picky. This cat is a poop SNOB. And yet... this cat is NOT a snob. He recently is having a little issue with his litter box. First of all... no matter whether he covers things up or not, he manages to sit in there with a leg or maybe part of his tail, or maybe BOTH even... resting in the poop. Lovely, huh? Well... cats are also supposed to be very good at cleaning themselves. They hate getting too dirty. This one? NAH... leaves it stuck to him, tracks it through the house, fun stuff like that. But what brings me in touch with what happened this morning...
I hear him scratching and I just KNOW it's not in his little covered litter box like a good little kitty that he is not. I walk in to my toilet paper unravelled, the bath mat on the floor half way inside the litterbox with poop stuck on the end because it is sitting in it (much like the cat normally does!) and a nice ole pee spot.
So here is me, with the pain in the back to the point that two vicodin barely did the trick and eventually knocked me out after several hours. Forced to lay in bed and on doctors orders do NOTHING. But there I am, bending over, sitting on the floor, cleaning the dumb cats ass. I mean really. Don't they do this themselves? APPARENTLY NOT MINE! No one ever taught the dumb thing to WIPE. Of course, maybe that's what the toilet paper was for. Maybe he just hasn't figured out how to rip off only what he needs. That's a thought.
In any case I broke the rules. Am now soaking the bathmat (which i've had to wash numerous times cuz oooooh no this is not the first time). Cleaned the litter box. Walked the dog since I had to go take out the trash anyway. And had to vent this bullshit somewhere, so here is as good a place as any. Now he's trying to make up and play all nice with me, rubbing against me with his newly cleaned by mommy tail. And don't think I don't notice him eyeing my trash can as if upending it would be the most pleasurable thing in the world. Oh I see him alright. And I'm gonna send him running if he goes near it.
In all the time i have had this cat, it never peed or pooped on anything until this new house where it suddenly developed it's snobbery when it comes to it's litter box. It will NOT go if the box is too "full" by his standards of course. I mean, god forbid someone doesn't flush his toilet for him once or even twice a day. He's so damn ridiculous it scares me. But then I wonder. I have always said how he mimics my dog. So, perhaps... perhaps he thinks he is a dog and therefore has less hygiene issues with himself??? But then he's picky about the pooper. So hell if i know what in hell goes through this cat's mind. But I do need to wash my hands and pass out a little longer.
If you'd like to make me happy and have a good home for a kitty kat... maybe I'll wake up and he won't be here!?? *wink wink*