Jan 24, 2017 17:28
The music played though I was unaware of it. I was part of a dance and I was unaware of that, too. As you stepped, I stepped, as you moved, I moved, turning and spinning as everything else spiraled downward into unbeknownst chaos. I was completely oblivious to the whole thing as you held me close, to better move and sway across the floor, or so I thought. Energy is passed between the two dancers, trust is formed and needed to make it all seem so fluid and easy.
As time went on, I became more comfortable, more fluid in your arms while you began to feel stiff. I thought it was just tension or perhaps concentration. We made a good team and as I began to move and follow you with more confidence, I began to hear it …
It was the faintest sound yet it seemed to drown out the moment, pulling my thoughts away from you. I didn’t have to say a word but you knew. It was the way you looked at me, not with admiration and care, but with disdain and hatred. A trick of the light? The music still played to my heart and I turned my head towards the sweet melody.
We were turning again. In order to land it correctly, you needed my energy and I needed yours -- a heel turn. Though, you never let me turn. You lead, I followed, and that was all I could do. With each breathless turn, a moment off the ground in a whirlwind of movement, I felt light headed, less of myself, empty and depleted. You still wanted to dance. It was harder to hear the music and that’s what you wanted, to drown it out.
The music was good and you hated it. It spoke sweet hope to me and you wanted to crush it, to crush me. I hesitated, knowing now that I was prey staring into the eyes of a predator. The turn was near and it would happen again just as before. No, I choose not to. I choose not to follow! Even if the dance had been real, it still haunts my mind in a whirlwind of movement and emotion.
I refuse to dance with ghosts.
With my energy, you sought my destruction and to feed your bottomless pit. With your energy, I break away, turning into the light as you disappear in smoke and forgetfulness.