My favorite poem, The Walrus and the Carpenter which was written by C.S. Lewis, has these lines that i love...
"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."
Well, the time has truly come to talk of many things....Of shoes, and nails, and shopping bags...of dresses and bling blings...
And why this time has become so hot, ('tis summer my dears!) And whether we have breaks...
I'm almost halfway through this week. I don't know why I'm extremely exhausted. Spa date anyone?
jp_kun our happy feet thing??
portabubble I wants mini movies!!
derschatzi POOOOOOOOL~!
captcudd1es I wants to go back to korean place!
bornwilde uhmmm, sims? hahahah.
yum_gums I want my chauffer back...V-tis naaao!!!
doublesharp how's NZ? LOL.
After this week, It'll be my break, or is it really a break? Come on...I have to go back to school again for activities. Oh yeah, our non acad org chose me to be their VP. So, right now...I am VP elect. This is my second time being an officer. I'm an area officer nao (as in English majors VP), and next year I'll be the VP of dum-da-da-dum!! SPEAKERS' ACADEMY!
Anyhoo, I'll be in school over the summer to do stuff (Teacher Act, LTS, Summer classes...etc. etc.) So exhausting. Oh yeah, I'm back to my nail design thingy...It actually relieves me of all the stress!! check this out bb's! I did my nailz! Hurrah! And it's finals week! Hurrah.
Well, I guess I have to go back and think nao. haha. I wish I could go diving this summer. LOL. I think I can! I think I can!!!