Nov 20, 2005 16:12
I went to Zack and Kristy's party last night good times, Drunk as always. This fuckin crazy bitch tried to kiss me yuuuukkkkkk had to tell her I had a girl god damn she was nasty!This chick named Brittany was there I knew her from myspace she is young and kept tring to flirt with me subtlety.I ended up leaving to go to the bar with Kristen and Missy, there I saw Abby and Stacy dancein it up. I feel bad for Sarah cause Sarah and Abby are together but Abby looks more happy when she is around Stacy. I left at last call and went to see Chels on my way I ran into some party friends, that was nice.Met Chels then she went her way and I went mine.
Today went to my cousin's bridal shower, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.They made veggie lasagna mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm soooo good and I had some damn good cheese cake too.orgasmic! Now I'm super sleepy and I may just take a nap!