Jan 18, 2009 00:57
Well, hello there! It hasn't even been four months since my last post, and I'm already updating again! I'm so good to you guys... *cough*
Anyways, here are a few precious little updates;
- Sander and me have decided to move in with each other in a year! X3 We're aiming for December so we can celebrate New Year together in our very own home!! X333 *insert happy squeal here*
- I have a mini laptop named Shuuji! He's really, really small (fits 5 times (I'm not kidding) in the screen of my normal PC), and I named him after the main character of Nobuta wo Produce. I now have Shuuji to Akira in my room, oh yeah <3 (Youtube it if you don't know who they are =P)
- I might become a full-time artist :3 I'm looking into silver/gold smithing (is that the right word? >.>), so I can make proper jewelry. And sell them >:3
If/when I'm a full-time artist I'll be making loads of different things, but I really have something for little pretty things, hence the jewelry making.
- I miss my best friend terribly... Why d'you have to live in England, dammit >.>" But he came here for New Years, and it was awesome <3
I wonder why I have a LiveJournal sometimes, or why I even bother actually writing stuff here... Apart from times like this when Im bored. But I guess I'll have to get used to writing more than comments on the internets, for when I launch my own site =P