
Dec 13, 2010 20:43

Just got back from Sendai! :D

As expected the cons were amazing!! ♥ _____ ♥

The plan was to go to Matsushima the day before the cons but I was sick on the bus ride there so we decided to just chillax in the city. I never ever throw up unless I've had a really hardcore night of drinking so getting so sick on the bus was pretty O__O & >___< for me. Thank God this bus had little plastic bags for each seat or I would have been in BIG trouble. A lady close to me actually had to give me hers and offered me a packet of tissues. Thank you, lady!

I'm still not sure what's wrong with me. Whether it's indigestion or some kind of bug... I haven't thrown up again but after I eat I still get slightly nauseous. Luckily, since I basically didn't eat Saturday, I was fine at the cons. All that matters! XD

airairo did a nice recap of highlights of the first show in her entry here.

~ We were next to the aisle in arena so the carts came right by us. This time Subaru came by us!!! I thought he was going to go down the other aisle because, my life XD But he didn't! He didn't really make eye contact with anyone though. He was just looking around at the crowd. Whatever, it's all good :) I was just extremely happy he came by our section! And he did the la la la's with us again this time <3

~MARU waved at us and mouthed thank you!!! hearts; :D He is such a sweetie!

~Ryo and his "what's up!" when he saw us XD And later he nodded at me, the nod version of "what's up" XD He was full of fail that day, omg XD At the first show he forgot part of a song and hit himself in the face with a mic XD In the second one he tried to outdo Yoko in sweet talking the crowd and in the end said some stupid things and ran offstage. He also bit the lollipop really hard and it broke instead of licking it sensually like he normally does. THANK GOD. Every time he does that with the lollipop I'm like, Oh God I don't want to see that! Stoooop! XD

~Subaru refusing to hold Yasu's hand during the final bow. Yasu would try to grab it and he'd yell and be like, "No!" and pull his hand away. But Yasu kept trying of course with a :/ look on his face. Then finally right before the actual bow he took it and then wouldn't let go for the rest of the time so they were walking across the stage hand in hand. Until right before they went offstage and Subaru pulled his hand away and was like "No!" & then Hina pushed Yasu and told him to go away XD So Yasu was all alone onstage like, "Well at least you guys love me. Thank you! Bye bye!" Haha~ Poor Yasu. Subaru is definitely back in Yasu teasing mode.

~During the MC when Maru was handing out the water bottles he was doing it pretending to be a vendor like the ones that sell yakiimo here. It was cute & funny <3

~Subaru lost the wink killer game and read to Hina (it was almost Yasu omg!! XD Who by the way looked so relieved when he won at janken and it wasn't going to be him, haha. He actually didn't join the janken at first and Yoko was like what are you doing? And Subaru didn't want to be the loser so he kept trying to join in the janken and they had to start over again and again until Subaru finally stayed out of it). It was a really sweet letter talking about how they've known each other half their lives already. He said there are a lot of things about them that are the same, their hometown, age, etc... And talked about different memories. Like how they'd make fun of ossans on the train and Subaru would imitate them to make Hina laugh. How one time they were lighting fireworks while on their bikes and Subaru's accidentally turned out to be a rocket one so when he threw it it hit some house and the Ossan from the house got mad and yelled. (There was more but that's all I understood, sorry XD) It ended with Subaru saying that he hopes they can continue to be stupid and laugh together well into their 40s, 50s, 60s, and forever. It was really touching. Subaru was emotional and Hina definitely cried but was trying really hard not to let them fall <3 When he was saying thank you afterwards he wouldn't open his eyes and Yoko was like, Hina open your eyes it looks weird! But I think he didn't want to because he would cry if he did. They didn't hug or anything but kept bowing at each other really deeply over and over. The three ossans are so much BFF love <333

~Yoko did the thing that I think most people saw in the fancam where he wraps his arm around Maru and sings pressed against him. Then at the end when they held hand for the MC Maru entwined his fingers with Yoko who was like, "Why are you holding my hand like we're lovers?" haha XD

Ok. I realize I pretty much repeated everything Alissa said XD

So onto the second show. We were lucky enough to get tickets, and though we had to sit separately, we were all in Arena again. This time kipani_mariko and I were in B instead of C so further to the left and closer to the center stage. We were also lucky enough to be really close to the aisle (second seat in) so the guys were close again when they went past.

~Subaru was really hyper in this show! I love when he gets like that. Since he feeds off of the audience and the feeling of the crowd I find that he tends to be more hyper during the second show because of the high of the first show.

~Yoko looked tired and kinda half assed a lot of the dances, but you could tell he was sick. I don't remember if he had tissues with him during this wink killer game but he definitely did during the first show.

~No direct eye contact with anyone this time. Subaru did look right at my section at one point
and I felt like he saw me but since he doesn't tend to linger on any specific person I'm never sure XD

~Subaru was quite horny & his Yasuba teasing went up a notch XD During Zukkoke he pretended to blow his mic. Then when they were in the line he put his hand in front of Maru's crotch and pretended to give him a handjob. He aaaaalso pulled Yasu's face to his crotch and rubbed himself against Yasu XD Yasu tried to get away after a bit but Subaru wouldn't let him go. So after he was finally released and managed to get his bearings he punched Subaru in the shoulder, haha. At one point Subaru also rolled on the ground trying to be sensual? I couldn't see his face but he was gyrating on the floor. Oh Subaru XD

~Hina followed Yasu like a puppy for most of the con XD He totally has a man crush. There were a few times when Baru would go join Yasu and Hina and they would fool around together. Very cute :)

~During Animal Magic they forgot to place Yasu's mic stand so he was all, !!! XDD. But they finally brought just in time for him to start singing. Later in the song when Subaru and Yasu's sections were in the dark Subaru ran from his mic over to Yasu's and whispered something in his ear really close which of course I couldn't hear. Yasu just smiled and nodded a bit and then Subaru went back before the lights came up on them. There was another point later in the con too where Subaru ran over to Yasu to whisper something to him and they were talking off to the side from the others for a bit.

~During KyuJyouShow Subaru got to the stage first and took the blue guitar instead of the red one so when Yasu went to get his he was all ???. Lol. He tried to get it from Subaru at first but of course Subaru ignored him so he took the red one and they ended up switching guitars for the entire song. And of course Subaru was doing lewd things to his mic like he always does during that song XD

~At the end Subaru refused to take Yasu's hand again and this time Ohkura followed suit so Yasu was trying really hard to reach both their hands but they kept pulling away XD

~During the MC Maru was trying to talk about Gilbert Grape but every time as soon as he said "Gilbert-" Subaru (and Yoko joined in for a bit too) would interrupt and say, "Gorilla", not letting him say "Grape." Subaru would not stop. It went on forever and poor Maru was all >< Then when he tried to say where he was performing (Tokyo Globe za), Subaru would say, "Gorilla-za." And for Osaka, he said, "The zoo." And of course when Maru would call him out and tell him to stop he would pretend he wasn't doing anything and say something like, "This is an
important topic of course I'm not saying anything. I wouldn't." XD

They talked about colds (I guess cause Yoko has one) and somehow telling the audience to take care if they have colds turned into a competition to see who had the best lines. Yoko said something like, "My kiss would be all the medicine you'd need." (Or something like that, it's fuzzy now XD). That's when Ryo tried to one up him, and did at first. So they kept going until Ryo failed and ran away XD So then Hina commented that Yasu hadn't said anything so they made him do it too. But of course they (Subaru especially) made fun of all of his lines ("that's too normal!" "eh?? you're talking like they're in the hospital!!" "they have a cold and you're telling them to go to yours to hang out?? where is the sense in that?? " etc...) and he kept having to re-do it. Subaru, on the other hand was acting like a fussy mother and giving serious health advice XD

~For the wink game Maru won and they had to do the pyramid. Subaru was being really strange, wiggling in his chair and making faces all the time until the others were like, WTH! Then they started making fun of him saying he really sucked at this game, and games in general so Subaru got all defensive like a child. So then when Maru was making the pyramid he told Subaru to be at the bottom right and Subaru ignored him adn tried everything in his power to get out of it. In the end he did it but as soon as Ryo tried to climb on top he "fell" complaining that he was hurt. I totally bought it and was worried at first XD That man is the King of Drama Queens. My God XD He kept saying "eeahh." And Yoko was like, "Why aren't you saying itai? What is that??" So of course Subaru had to keep on saying it and then Hina was finally like, come on!, so Subaru stuck his tongue out at him. Nice, haha XD

~When Tacchon went by on his cart he was sitting in it pretending to take a nap *rolls eyes* But well, Subaru pretended to be passed out and the Veteran member in the cart with him had to hold him up XD

~At the end Subaru gave one of his sign boards to a kid and picked his nose at us XD Some girls threw Maru the hats they were wearing and he kissed them and threw them back.

~Oh yeah, Yoko did the thing with Maru again where he wraps his arm around him all close and sings to him. And later he did it to Yasu too.

That's all I can remember for right now XD Yeah, I know there's a lot of Subaru in this but it's me, so. What else can you expect? XD

Hopefully, kipani_mariko and nira_chan can remind me of anything I've missed.

This weekend is Tokyo Dome!! There's only one show per day so I hope we get more encores!

I'm looking forward to meeting up with everyone~^^

ETA: In the first show the Proactiv commercial was Yoko and he pretended to be a blonde foreigner named Henry. Not gonna lie, I was kind of offended. In the second show it was Maru and he pretended to be the Korean pop star he was last time.
Yay, E-I-TO!! :D

subaru you perv, concert, eito 4evah

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