Sep 13, 2006 17:49
On Monday, I was sitting in reception at the Apollo Hospital, waiting for my friend's medication to be dispensed. Next to me was a family of about seven. A little boy around the age of 5 or 6 sat atop his grandmother's lap. They both turned to me and started speaking in the local dialect. Through non-verbal cues and plain old guessing, I figured that they were asking me where I was from. Eventually, the little boy busted out w/some English he had learned in school and asked me for my name. They start young, don't they? When I replied, the boy, his grandmother, and his sisters responded with delight. His mother, who had been pacing, heard the commotion and walked over. She said something to her son, and herein lies the reason for this entry: his fly was open. Here he is, spitting game at an older woman, and a foreign woman mind you, and his fly is open. After she uttered those words, I could see the embarrassment come over his face. For a couple of seconds, he was frozen with disbelief. What did I do to help the situation? I laughed so hard, right along with his mother, grandmother, and sisters. I hope this doesn't scar the kid for life.