
Jan 04, 2010 19:37

Finally, my first post of 2010! I probably would've posted earlier, but sometimes I find it easier to just plurk something than make an entire entry on it.


✎ Today was Devon's first day back at school (I don't go until the 20th), and he wasn't too happy about it. I wasn't happy either when his bus never showed up. I ended up taking him to school myself on the train. The matron told me this afternoon that the bus never started up this morning because of the cold.

✎ I've had a cold for the past week, and while I'm getting better my eyes hurt like hell. Just blinking hurts. I put eyedrops in my eyes and it helped a little, but now the pain is back. Hopefully it gets better soon, because this is agony DX

✎ The other day my uncle came over and dropped off gift cards for me and Devon (he got a GameStop one and I got one for Best Buy). The amount on the card wasn't indicated anywhere, so I thought it just had around $20-25 - I checked online and it has $200. The first thing I'm going to get is an external hard drive, and then I'm going to pick up Lady Gaga's 'The Fame Monster' CD, because as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I adore her.

✎ I've had such an urge to work on icons, but I have yet to reinstall my tablet. I also want to redo my icons, but I hate how it's so time consuming DX

random stuff, me: i feel like crap, bullet points are cool

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