It was awesome!

Aug 28, 2009 19:55

I meant to post this yesterday, but I spent most of the day sleeping. Go figure.

Wednesday was so much fun!

I got to Grand Central Station around 12:30 and met my friend Michelle there, so that we could wait for Molly (scones) to arrive. Turns out, she ended up walking past us - I found out that she arrived once she said she saw a giant tour group. Once we all met up, we headed to 59th street, since Michelle wanted to go to Godiva and Border's. At Godiva, we got a shake called "Milk Chocolate Decadence" - it was really really good. We spent some time exploring Border's, since we had no idea where anything was. Molly and I got separated from Michelle when we went in search of the manga - it ended of being in the Kid's Reading section. After we finished up there, we headed to Queens, so we could meet up with my cousin and his girlfriend at my house.

After meeting up with my cousin Tyler and his girlfriend Alexis, I ran inside to change my shoes - my feet were killing me. My mother also got to say hi to Molly. Then, we headed to the pool hall. Once we were sure it was opened, we decided to grab something to eat something at White Castle.

At White Castle.
Tyler and Alexis are on the left, and Michelle and Molly are on the right

Molly (left) and Michelle (right). Aren't they cute?

After we finished eating, we headed back to the pool hall and got a table. Alexis decided to sit the game out, so it was only me, Molly, Michelle, and Tyler playing. Actually, it might as well been only Molly and Michelle playing, since Tyler and I sucked. Molly said she wasn't too good at pool - she's actually awesome. It was funny though - every time we missed we ended up cursing at the table - or was the just me? Who knows.

My turn! I was eying the cue ball.

I handed off my camera to my cousin...

...and he likes to take "artistic" pictures

Molly's turn! She was in the lead most of the time - it was fun to watch

It's amazing how I look like I actually know what I'm doing.

At the bar, Michelle, Molly and I each had a screwdriver. It was pretty good - it basically tasted like orange juice. After that, Molly and I had rum and coke. It was too strong for my taste, though. My dad happened to stop by, so Molly got to meet him as well. After we paid for the drinks, we headed over to the arcade where we played air hockey. My hand still hurts from gripping the paddle so hard - we even knocked the puck off the table a couple of times.

We headed to McDonald's next, and met up with my mom so Molly could meet Devon. Then we headed to my father's garage to hang out a little before going our separate ways. I took Molly back to Grand Central Station and stayed with her until she got on her train. It was really dark when I got back!

It was so much fun! Molly and I were talking, and the next time we meet up, it will be me who will be going to Connecticut and staying over. My mother has already given the okay, we just have to plan it!

awesome molly gets a tag, ahaha, party time is now

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