Is that it?

Jun 15, 2009 22:11

I'll be the first to admit that I had an obsession with Mountain Dew, but the constant intake of soda was really messing with my body, so I decided to stop drinking it. I knew I'd just obsess over another soda if I just cut out Mountain Dew, so I decided to stop drinking any kind of soda. When my family found out that I had given up soda, they were shocked - I mean they actually could not believe I could do such a thing and were amazed, which is actually kinda messed up if I think about it.

Today is the first day in over two months that I've had soda. I have to admit, I'm kind of disappointed. I vaguely remember how Mountain Dew tastes, but when I took a sip all I thought was "meh". It really wasn't any more than carbonated flavor - I kinda wanted to stop drinking it, but I opened the can, so I finished it.

I doubt it'll be much of an obsession anymore - a bit sad, since it was something that defined me.
Oh well.

Unrelated, but there's this quilting game on AOL that is way more fun than it should be. If it's free, I think I may actually download it.

man i'm boring, seriously random

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