Mar 31, 2009 15:45
I've been feeling unmotivated for the past couple days, but at the moment I'm so stoked I can hardly contain myself.
I think I mentioned the all-nighter I had to pull a couple weeks ago, right? Well, one of the papers I wrote during that time was my analytical paper for my Women's Studies class. I was really worried about this paper though, not only because it was a paper I wrote while I had almost no sleep, but also because of my using less than the required documents to support my argument. My paper was on society's suppression of female sexuality, and while I had the required three documents picked out, I realized that any information taken from the third document would just seem "tacked on." With that in mind, I formed my argument with only two pieces to support it.
My professor posted our grades for the paper online over the weekend and I had got a 10 out of 10. I was very happy about it, but I wasn't stoked until today. Professor Grinner wasn't able to hand back the hard copy of our papers until today - and that's when I found out that she thought of my paper as "brilliant" and that she wants to use it as a sample essay for her future classes.
It might seem silly, but I'm so unbelievably happy right now, I can't stop smiling.
And my paper was titled, "A Natural Suppression" - aren't I clever? XD
i'm such a dork,
yes this kind of stuff makes me happy,
class: women's studies