This is for
bolshevists - though anyone is free to take a look.
I've uploaded the essays I have that center around love and sex and its different aspects. I also have essays that deal more with issues of gender, and if you'd like I can upload those as well.
Amazon Women on the Moon - Andi Zeisler
Like some grizzled old-timer sitting on the porch of the homestead talking about the good old days, I think back to the first time I saw MTV and pity the prepubescents of today who didn't have the luck to see, as I did, the wonder of MTV when it first aired.
Are We Having Sex Now or What? - Greta Christina
When I first started having sex with other people, I used to like to count them.
Is Cybersex Sex? - Louise Collins
One night, you agree to go all the way in virtual reality sex.
Civilized Sexual Morality and Nervous Illness - Sigmund Freud
Generally speaking, our civilization is built up on the suppression of instincts.
Virtue Ethics, Casual Sex, and Objectification - Raja Halwani
Little has been written philosophically about sex.
The Transformation of Sexuality in Eros - Herbert Marcuse
The vision of a non-repressive culture, which we have lifted from a marginal trend in mythology and philosophy, aims at a new relation between instincts and reason.
The Nature of Love - Irving Singer
I start with the idea the love is a way of valuing something.
In Defense of Homosexuality - John Corvino
Tommy and Jim are a homosexual couple that I know.
Is Homosexuality Bad Homosexuality? - Michael Ruse
Let us turn now to the modern era, the time after the scientific revolution.
One is not Born a Woman - Monique Witting
A materialist feminist approach to women's oppression destroys the idea that women are a "natural group": "a social group of a special kind, a group perceived as natural, a group of men considered as materially specific in their bodies."
Talk Dirty to Me - Sallie Tisdale
Once or twice a month, I visit my neighborhood adult store, to rent a movie or buy a magazine.
First Attitude Towards Others-Love, Language, Masochism - Jean-Paul Sartre
Everything which may be said of me in my relations with the Other applies to him as well.
Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes - Arthur Schopenhauer
...all love, however ethereally it may bear itself, is rooted in the sexual impulse alone, nay, it absolutely is only a more definitely determined, specialized, and indeed in the strictest sense individualized sexual impulse.
Sexual Orientation and Gender-Dichotomizing Differences - Susan Moller Okin
Laws in the United States, as in many other countries, have had a significant impact on both the differential treatment of men and women, and the differential treatment of heterosexuals and of gay men and lesbians.