Everybody's doing it

Mar 12, 2009 20:35

DisorderRatingParanoid Disorder:LowSchizoid Disorder:ModerateSchizotypal Disorder:LowAntisocial Disorder:ModerateBorderline Disorder:ModerateHistrionic Disorder:LowNarcissistic Disorder:LowAvoidant Disorder:LowDependent Disorder:LowObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

Meh. I don't really have an opinion on the results, I figure it's nothing that I didn't know before.

◆ Today was my last day before break, yay! Now I'm off until the 23rd, which really isn't a lot of time if you think about it, but oh well. I'm planning on spending most of the time coloring and making icons - I couldn't get any done this week because I had papers to write.

◆ Strangely enough, I'm getting all into Soul Eater again. I mean, I never stopped reading it, but after the most recent chapter I've gotten all fangirly again. I think I mentioned it a while back, but Maka is one of my favorite characters - she's so badass! So now I've been searching all over for Soul Eater fanfic with limited success.

jumping the bandwagon again, yay vacation, series: soul eater, bullet points are cool

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