(no subject)

Nov 30, 2008 20:48

My moods have been all over the place this weekend. Happy, sad, pissed, you name the emotion and I've probably felt some variation of it |D

I went to my grandmother's on Thursday for Thanksgiving, and ended up eating more than I usually do and getting sick. My older brother Chris was supposed to come over yesterday so we could celebrate his birthday (which actually fell on Thanksgiving this year) together as a family. Of course, he didn't come over so those plans were scrapped. I don't really care since we would have ended up fighting anyway, but whatever.

Actually, my weekend wasn't that interesting - I've been coloring for the most part. I have been working on an icon batch, but the more I looked at the ones that were already done, the more I disliked them, so I deleted a good number of them. I don't regret it, since I'm happy with the ones I've done now.

I want to change my layout and profile so bad DX
...I'll probably wait until the semester ends though.

icons, stuff of no real importance, life

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