Just put a bullet in my brain

Nov 18, 2008 20:28

God, my head hurts so much right now I'm incoherent, I can't even think straight. I can't even describe it. I have taken medicine, but it hasn't kicked in as of yet, if it does at all.

Anyway, a list because it's easier:

◆ I just finished getting a whole bunch of work done and I already have 9 response papers due. I refuse to go on hiatus again though. Talking to you guys is what relieves me of stress and makes me feel better - I don't want to relive the stress of my hiatus week DX I blame all the work on being an English major

◆ I'm trying to finish my next batch of icons so I can get them posted. Surprisingly, there isn't any Reborn! this time. The ones that have been done for a while are starting to look ugly to me, but I won't touch them - I'll never get done. It doesn't help that despite being inspired the other day, I'm still in a funk. I want to at least color all the bases I made, though.

I might post the manga coloring I did about a month ago, but I'm not sure yet.

◆ I honestly had more to say, but I've forgotten what it was. Have a meme instead:Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don't blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don't blog about, but you'd like to hear about, and I'll respond via comments. Ask for anything: latest movie watched, last book read, political leanings, thoughts on yaoi, favorite type of underwear, graphic techniques, etc. Repost in your own journal so that we can all learn more about each other!

memespam, i complain too much, life

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