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Oct 26, 2008 15:11

New icon post up at skiesareorange~


Also, a meme from 'Nee-chan (kaze_tsuki) and disclaim (I like icon memes, s-shut up)
♔ reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.
♔ make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
♔ other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
♔ this will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

● [hibarik_youya] ● I think this is from one of her earlier icon posts. I was actually looking for more Hibird icons, and I just loved how simple and pretty this one was ♥
● [anionna] ● I remember coloring this after reading some Type-SK doujins for the first time. I was experimenting with a new way to color and messing with adjustment levels. I was worried about how the rain would look, but I'm pretty satisfied with the result.
● [robotsex] ● Ah, I forget what chapter it was, but I had really started to fangirl Ryohei, so I went looking for icons. I tend to use this icon when I'm feeling kind of mellow or sad ;w;
● [granlogin] ● Ahaha, I love this icon. I had started to get into a real Pokemon mood, and coincidentally granlogin was making derpokemon icons XD I think I originally wanted to request Pikachu, but it was taken. It's okay though, because I love my Charmanderp ♥
● [anionna] ● I was surprised at how good this icon came out, since I usually suck at making icons other than manga colorings. It oringinally came from this pic and after messing around with the adjustment layers, I like how it looks like light is pouring through the window
● [chinomi] ● America is one of my favorite characters in Axis Powers Hetalia, so while looking for icons, I came across the ones chinomi posted, and this icon was just too cute to pass up

● [anionna] ● This is one of my favorite icons, blushing!Gokudera is just too cute. This is another icon based off of a Type-Sk doujin. My mom actually helped me with this one, since I wouldn't stop bothering her XD She helped me figure out the bg and came up with the idea for the little blush under the eyes. I probably wouldn't have like it so much if I had left it as it was originally~
● [suikka] ● Ahaha, I forgot what AMV this comes from, but it was just too good to pass up. I don't know what else to say DX
● [anionna] ● I made this around the time when I was making animated icons. I just loved Byakuran's expression and had to icon it. There's also a Hibari version, which coincidentally hibarik_youya has in her userpics~
● [hibarik_youya] ● This is my icon that matches with hibarik_youya and granlogin! Originally, they had only matched with each other, but then Molly asked if I'd like a Hibari version, and of course I'd say "Yes". It's so much fun watching this icon XD
● [anionna] ● Oh god, if you haven't read xreadysetcrashx's Yama's Story, you don't know what you're missing. I think this is from the most recent one - Yamamoto and Mukuro's "FFFFF" faces were too awesome not to icon. I think I whipped this up in about a minute because I really wanted to post an icon with it.
● [granlogin] ● Ahaha, everyone loves Charmanderp~

memespam, icons, orange skies

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