let me do this before i forget

Jun 07, 2011 19:57

I meant to post yesterday, but I was just so tired. I think I went to bed at 10? All I know is that when my father came home, I fell over and conked out. Of course, that meant that when I was woken up at 3am this morning I couldn't get back to sleep, so I've been up since then. No biggie.

Nothing much happened today. Devon had a half-day at school, so he got home early. I took him to the library, since he needed books for the few reports he had left. We got ice cream afterwards. I also got an email today from New York Life Insurance asking me if I was interested in setting up an interview. I was initially interested, but I really don't want to work in life insurance. The fact that I'm getting calls from companies makes me feel better though - not all is lost!

I've also just finished catching up on Tiger & Bunny! I could kick myself for not watching it sooner. I'm in love with Tiger - everything about him is great. And Barnaby's voice is the sex. I really adore all the characters though - it's been a while since I've watched a series where I'm hard-pressed to dislike a character.

30 Day Meme (Dragon Ball Z) - Days 7 and 8

I feel like my answer is going to be as obvious at the one about my favorite character, but my favorite fight is probably Gohan vs. Cell. I was in junior high when the episodes were coming out and I remember watching this fight and just being so amazed. This is the first fight that Gohan is in where it is truly him against an opponent - he's not only in a support position. Plus, he was completely badass. I was practically swooning the first time I saw it. Hell, I still swoon every time I see it.

This is kinda related to the previous question, but I think the most emotional moment for me is when Piccolo lashes out at Goku. Cell had Gohan in his arms and was crushing him, and when Piccolo tried to jump in and help Goku stopped him, saying that Gohan would pull through. Piccolo went ballistic. He started to berate Goku, asking why he is okay just standing and saying "You know what Gohan is thinking? He's thinking 'why is my father letting this happen to me'". It might not be an emotional moment in the traditional sense, but it always gets to me. I love how Piccolo is so protective of Gohan that he can't stand to see him hurt, and the face that Goku makes after Piccolo is done yelling just screams 'oh god, what have i done' - it gets me straight in the heart.

Day 1: Favorite Character
Day 2: Favorite Villain
Day 3: Favorite Saga
Day 4: Favorite couple
Day 5: Least Favorite Character
Day 6: Favorite Episode
Day 7: Favorite fight
Day 8: Most emotional moment
Day 9: Most epic death
Day 10: Favorite alien race
Day 11: Favorite animal
Day 12: Favorite super saiyan form
Day 13: Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT?
Day 14: Favorite saiyan
Day 15: Favorite member of the Ginyu force
Day 16: Favorite Freeza form
Day 17: Favorite Piccolo and Gohan scene
Day 18: Hardest hit
Day 19: Favorite Attack
Day 20: Best Vegeta Moment
Day 21: Favorite quote
Day 22: Stupidest, most WTF, moment
Day 23: Favorite “owned” moment
Day 24: Most gruesome death
Day 25: Funniest moment/episode
Day 26: Best Goku moment
Day 27: Coolest invention
Day 28: Favorite form of Cell
Day 29: Favorite form of Buu
Day 30: Why do you love Dragonball?

30 days meme, new obsession get, singing its praises, life

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