next post will have substance, promise

Jun 03, 2011 21:15

30 Day Meme (Dragon Ball Z) - Day 4

Goku and Chi-Chi hands down. They are such a cute couple, and I don't care about what anybody says about either of them - they really do love each other. The only reason Chi-Chi gets so mad is because she cares so much, and among other things, his final thought of Chi-Chi when he was near death fighting Freeza is what got Goku moving. One of my favorite moments is after Goku finally wakes up after battling his heart disease. Chi-Chi is so happy that she jumps out a window to get to him, and he immediately sweeps her up and spins her around. And when he was about to leave and she makes him promise to settle down after everything is over with, they share a tender moment and kiss (even though it's off-screen). It's very sweet. I think that because their love is so subdued and they've been together so long that they don't get enough credit, but I just adore them ♥

Day 1: Favorite Character
Day 2: Favorite Villain
Day 3: Favorite Saga
Day 4: Favorite couple
Day 5: Least Favorite Character
Day 6: Favorite Episode
Day 7: Favorite fight
Day 8: Most emotional moment
Day 9: Most epic death
Day 10: Favorite alien race
Day 11: Favorite animal
Day 12: Favorite super saiyan form
Day 13: Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT?
Day 14: Favorite saiyan
Day 15: Favorite member of the Ginyu force
Day 16: Favorite Freeza form
Day 17: Favorite Piccolo and Gohan scene
Day 18: Hardest hit
Day 19: Favorite Attack
Day 20: Best Vegeta Moment
Day 21: Favorite quote
Day 22: Stupidest, most WTF, moment
Day 23: Favorite “owned” moment
Day 24: Most gruesome death
Day 25: Funniest moment/episode
Day 26: Best Goku moment
Day 27: Coolest invention
Day 28: Favorite form of Cell
Day 29: Favorite form of Buu
Day 30: Why do you love Dragonball?

30 days meme

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