eeee the day is almost here!

Mar 04, 2011 22:35

✖ Devon's birthday was on Tuesday - he's 11 now~! Since it was on a school day, we were planning on having a big celebration during the weekend. We ended up having a pretty good time on Tuesday though! Devon ended getting a blue DSi XL and two games - Sonic Colors and New Super Mario Bros., from my parents. As for me, I pre-ordered Pokemon Black and White. I will be giving Devon Pokemon Black for his birthday and keeping Pokemon White for myself.

Speaking of Pokemon Black and White, I'm so excited! They finally come out this weekend - I've been bouncing in my seat X3 I could do without Touya and Touko's English names DX

✖ I've also decided that I won't finish watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica until the entire series is over. There's only about 3 episodes left? I figure it's just easier that way. I'm already completely spoiled for it - not that that's a bad thing. It was the spoilers that actually made me want to watch more. I have started reading the manga of it though. I was surprised to see that Hanokage did the art, since I'm used to their Umineko fanart, but it's good!

✖ I already spazzed about this on plurk, but my diploma came in yesterday! To be honest, I was really depressed yesterday because of stuff that had happened the day before, but it was all blasted away when the mailman handed me the package. As I was reading the diploma, I was actually tearing up because I was so happy. It's already been about 3 months since I graduated, but having the actual diploma makes it that much more official. I did it. I worked my hardest for 4½ years and I did it. I'll be taking a picture of it once I get a frame!

How have you guys been? ♥

too many exclamation marks, life, i'm all over the place

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