the amount of snow outside is ridiculous

Dec 26, 2010 21:01

Hello! How have you guys' holidays been?

Christmas Eve started out pretty okay. The plan originally was for us to go to my grandmother's house for dinner, but it changed when we learned that my aunt was in the emergency room. For the longest time we didn't know why, and honestly? I was panicking. A couple years ago on the day after Christmas my cousin died and we spent New Year's Eve at a funeral. It was also a couple years ago that another one of my aunts ended up in the emergency room for an unknown reason. She eventually died the day after my birthday. Fortunately, while my aunt's condition is serious, it is curable. She has a severe kidney infection brought on by abnormally large kidney stones. She's staying in the hospital for now, since they'll be operating, but overall she's okay.

We also opened our presents that night since we decided to visit my grandmother on Christmas instead and we'd be busy. I hadn't expected to get much, since my mother had already spent nearly $500 on my class ring, so I was surprised. In all, I got a set of bath gels, shaving gel, headbands, a really pretty watch, two video games for my DS, Dance Dance Revolution for the PS3, and a gift card for (which I will be using to buy this!).

And you know, I guess it's because I chose not to go to the ceremony and such, but I kinda forgot that me graduating college was a pretty important accomplishment. When we got to my grandmother's I was swamped with congradtulations, and my parents are promising graduation gifts. It only just hit me today - I have my Bachelor's Degree. I can't comprehend it. On a side note, I got straight As this semester \o/

Also! I meant to mention this earlier - I got your card in the mail pssty! It's so pretty, I love it. Thank you so much ♥

holidays, life

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