our hallway is a crime scene

Sep 09, 2010 11:21

I was going to make an entry yesterday, but I was too tired when I got home. Anyway, first day of class wasn't so bad. I made it to the campus about an hour early, so I went to the bookstore to pick up my planner. The class I had yesterday was Digital Design 1, and it seems like it's going to be really fun. We'll basically be working on projects using Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. I'm forever working with Photoshop anyway, now I'm just getting credit for it! I didn't get to have my second class though, since evening classes were canceled since Rosh Hashanah is today - which is why I don't have class today either.

At about 11-12 last night, my father had gone outside to talk to the neighbors from across the hall. They are always fighting and causing a scene - they bang doors, scream, and go back and forth from outside to the hallway. Plus, they're forever leaving the front doors unlocked. So he told them to leave the doors locked and came back inside. Of course, right after that, I could hear them go back and forth through the doors again.

About an hour later, I was getting ready for bed, and I heard screaming and banging. As I went into my room to go change, I could hear crying and the voices got clearer. The woman from across the hall, Jackie, seemed to be on the phone screaming for her mother to get here because "some bastard stabbed Jamal." When I heard that, I went into my parent's room and found out they were listening too. Then I heard the cops and paramedics come into the hallway, and heard them setting up the stretcher. I also heard Jamal coughing and throwing up. I looked out the window while they were bringing him outside, and saw that one area they were covering was the chest.

My father had gone out in the hallway to see what was going on/help, and when he came in, we asked him about it. Apparently some guys from around the corner came and stabbed Jamal three times with a machete. Our hallway is also a mess of blood and vomit. After the ambulance drove away, the police came back and taped off our hallway with crime scene tape. Even if I wanted to go somewhere today, I couldn't.

I didn't actually get to sleep yesterday until about 2 in the morning, but it's okay. I'm glad Devon was able to sleep through it, because to hear all that stuff through the wall was horrifying

i'm all over the place, life: school

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