a bunch of stuff

Jun 16, 2010 09:19

✖ Welcome aledrina, pssty, and sillyputtie from the summer multifandom friending meme! I'm Nieisha, and I can be pretty silly at times, but I think that's okay ♥ I'm almost always on plurk and feel free to IM at illusory tactics. I hope we can become good friends!

✖ I've been in such a creative mood lately. For the past couple of days, I've been working on a Durarara!! moodtheme, just like I said I would, and I think they are coming out okay. I actually have more than that done, but I won't be taking any more screencaps. There have to be some things that are a surprise, you know? In all seriousness though, livejournal has too many moods.

scones and I have been thinking of doing an icon request post over at skiesareorange, since it's reached 60+ watchers. Before that though, I was thinking of having an icon request post here, to try it out first. Would you guys be interested in that if I did? In any case, any icon request posts I make will probably come after I finish the moodtheme, since that's what I want to concentrate on.

✖ As much as I want to kick myself for it, my creative mood seems to extend to Second Life as well. Even though I don't really explore SL, I love looking at and buying clothes so that I can make new outfits for Alis. I've actually been thinking of making clothes for SL, myself. I have the templates and I've been reading up on tutorials - I think it's doable.

✖ Also, also, also! I spazzed about this all over plurk yesterday, but it was just so spectacular I couldn't help it. The English name for the fifth Professor Layton game was announced, and so was the date for the release of 'The Unwound Future' over here! Can you believe it's September 20? It's so close! And the trailer is amazing - I think I actually shrieked a little.

watch me flail, bullet points are cool, random

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