Well damn

Jun 09, 2010 13:26

✖ I think I'm getting sick. Actually no, scratch that, I know I'm getting sick. My mother was sick this past weekend, and I must have caught it from her - and my allergies aren't helping one bit. I'm so congested that it's actually painful. To be honest, I can't even think straight. I have been taking medicine, and it helps, but it doesn't cure it.

✖ To make matters worse, I also think I'm teething. I'm way too old to be losing teeth and having new ones come in. Then again, my teeth have always had trouble coming out - that was the whole reason I had so many of my teeth pulled out when I was younger. I really wouldn't care much, but it hurts like a bitch.

✖ As a third strike, I think I'm in an artistic slump. Anything I try to color I end up deleting. I've also made a new tegaki e, but I haven't drawn anything yet because I'm just not inspired. I'm sure it'll go away soon, I'm just frustrated.

i complain too much

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