ahaha i'm so slow sometimes...

May 18, 2010 14:40

✖ I was so out of it yesterday. I ended up staying up until about 7-8 in the morning? It wasn't really on purpose, but by the time I realized it was 2:30, I figured I couldn't go to sleep since my mother would be waking up in 10 minutes and I had to start waking up my father. Once Devon was off to school, I ended up sleeping until about 1. I was still kinda dead for the rest of the day though.

✖ I also finally started Umineko. I know I said I would months ago, but then my computer crapped out, and once that was fixed school kicked my ass. Since my classes are over for now, I figured I have more than enough time for it. I'm not very far yet (I'm only on episode 2), but really like it. It's very easy to get absorbed into the story - and I love the music. Also, I want to say thank you to suntea for sending it to me, I really appreciate it ♥

✖ Oh, and dualshine! I got your letter~ I was so excited when I opened my mailbox and saw it there. I practically ran down the hallway to show my mom, ahaha. It's so cute, thank you so much ♥ You have really nice handwriting~ though I don't know who this "adorable" person you were referring to is
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