i don't want to do anything today

May 12, 2010 20:43

I keep telling myself to post here, but I'm so damn lazy sometimes. In any case,

✎ I'm not as sick as I was last week, but I'm still congested as hell. I think my nose is actually raw from all the tissues I've been using DX

skieareorange has passed 50 watchers! (we're actually at 60 now, eeee) I know it must seem silly to be so happy about it, but I just never thought it would happen. As far as posts go, I think I'm gonna concentrate on straight manga coloring and hold off on icons, at least for a little while.

✎ I still want to change my livejournal layout and stuff, but I don't know to what, though. I'm actually kind of stuck between Durarara!! and FMA and I don't want to think about FMA coming to an end because I'll cry ;_; I also want to redo my icons again, but man if it isn't tedious.

✎ I've also been cleaning for the past couple of days and clearing out some of my stuff. I got rid of my magazines, shojobeats, and manga doubles. With that stuff gone, I had a clear space in my bookshelf to put my manga, since I've been putting whatever didn't fit in the shelf into a big box. All my manga still didn't fit in my bookshelf, but now I have a wall shelf to put them on. After I finished fixing it, I just stood back and laughed, because damn I have an absurd amount of manga. Just look - shelf 1 and 2, shelf 3, shelf 4 and 5, shelf 6, and the wall shelf.

...and I totally forget what else I was going to say. So, what's up?

laaaazy day, manga, watch me ramble, orange skies

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