I've been lazy about posting lately...

Feb 25, 2010 08:53

✎ Sunday was my dad's birthday. We ended up going to Sizzler's for breakfast, since that's where Devon wanted to go. After that, we went Micheal's Art Supplies to buy stuff for Devon's school project. That place was amazing! I had never been to an art supply store so big, it made me wish I had money on me - there was so much I wanted to buy.

Devon's birthday is on Monday (he's gonna be 10), and he's been singing about it since last week. He's also been asking after every toy commercial if he could have whatever was on the TV for his birthday. I was thinking about getting him a megazord, myself.

✎ My uncle, the same one who had given me the giftcard, was in the hospital on Monday. A couple weeks ago, we found out that he had early symptoms of thyroid cancer and had to get surgery. He's okay, but he won't be able to talk for at least a week, since they cut right across his throat.

Love So Life is such a cute manga series. I had started reading it a while back, and just realized yesterday that a number of chapters were added. It's a very sweet story and the little kids are adorable. X3

✎ I also finally made a new icon post over at skiesareorange. It isn't very big, but I actually really like them. They might be my favorite so far.

How are you flist?

random stuff, life

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