Ive given up on God because God gave up on me.

Nov 15, 2004 17:00

wow, today was well, uhmm, interesting? all day i felt like i was dreaming until i was finally brought back to reality by an old man in a navy blue sweatsuit lifting hand weights while power walking, i was turning onto my street and he was walking and about to cross the street and i knew he wasnt gonna look both ways - and ofcoarse he didnt- and he started to step into the street so i slammed on my brakes and stopped just feet in front of him...and he just gave me this look. this awful look like who the hell do you think you are? i just looked back at him in disbelief like ofcoarse its my fault its never yours is it? then he waved for me to go and i just felt awful what if i didnt stop? asshole, he doesnt know how lucky he is, and as i drove off i could see him start power walking again as though nothing had happened. then for some reason i started to cry. dont know if it was because of that or just because of everything else thats screwed up. but it felt good. i should make a note of doing it more often.
anyways. i think i might consider moving with my mom to chicago but im not sure. im afraid to say anything to her because i dont want to get her hopes up, but i promised sadie i would give it a thought and consider looking at high schools.
wow, when did things get so complicated?
this sucks.
this entry is going downhill, my apologies.
On a happier note! The William Sonoma Catalog is BEASTING> im in love with everything in it. I mean gourmet marshmallows?! hell yeah! too bad they are 12 for $18.50.... and they have Molten Chocolate Cake Batter and chocolate is awesome. even chocolate stuffed figs sound really yummy. so if your looking for a christmas present for me just look on page 62 they have like 3 ice cream makers to choose from and they are CRAZY COOL looking. and one of them is only $1199.95! what a steal....
today i passed an old woman riding this bike with 3 wheels with a basket that had groceries in it (she even had a squeaky horn!) and she was stuggling going up this small hill on erie i felt really bad for her. i couldnt even smile at the fact that she had a squeaky horn...i just saw the agony in her face as she tried to get up the hill and here i was going 40 in my little jetta polluting the environment... whats the world coming to when you cant even laugh at an old woman riding a bike?! WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!

what else is new? oh yeah i got 12th place on that math contest. hahahahaha. i continue to be dumbfounded.

today i have decided to officially move on from Ernie. it seems like ive said that like ten billion times but today i had an epifiny (spellign?!) and its about time i started anew. so here it goes. me and carl are gonna put a personal ad in the newspaper. haha awesome.

thats all. i feel like i should have a random sex fact. but i think ill just leave you with this: according to the cincinnati enquirer drug use has declined in all grades 7-12 EXCEPT you guessed it : 11th! it actually went up a few percentages in the past few years...hm
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