
Jul 10, 2010 01:02

[The video feed clicks on, Chloe's hand resting against the communicator device suggesting she accidentally hit it. She had been reading about the crystals and just had to grab one for herself. But she's sitting in her empty room staring at the crystal in thought.]

Oh Harry... [She mutters to herself, before setting the crystal down. After seeing him get blown up again, knowing what it did Elena. It's brought back a lot of perspective of everything that happened.] Why did you have to go and do a ruddy stupid thing like that?

[She sighs, before rubbing her forehead slightly. This was not really her best night, especially after digging up those graves not too long ago. She never did find the oldest one as she got distracted by reading diaries and looking at photographs...and pocketing those.]

Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

crystals not meant for treasure, [video posting], chip plot, *elena fisher, *harry flynn, *nate drake, bad ideas on occasion

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