Monthly Tower Report 007

Dec 06, 2011 00:31

Network: Active, no problems
Tower: Active, no problems

December Weather Report (temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit)
1-3: sunny; high of 40, low of 40
4-10: sunny; high of 45, low of 40
11-17: overcast; high of 35; low of 30
18-24: snow on and off; high of 32, low of 25
25-31: overcast; high of 31, low of 25

Season Change: As of December 22, it will be winter. Grass is dead, covered in snow, most trees have lost their leaves, and it is generally cold.

Checkup Dates
Characters will be expected to show up at the infirmary at some point on their assigned day.
Orange: December 10; December 24
Yellow: December 11; December 25
Green: December 12; December 26
Blue: December 13; December 27
Indigo: December 14; December 28
Violet: December 15; December 29

Cafeteria Menu Options:
If characters choose to make their own meals, they will only find that the cafeteria has ingredients for these types of meals. All new characters will be provided with and must eat plain oatmeal as their first meal, regardless of time of day or cafeteria menu. Failure to do so will result in vomiting up any food until oatmeal is consumed.

Meals: oatmeal, varied; pancakes; waffles; fruit, varied
Beverages: water; tea; coffee; hot chocolate; fruit juices, varied

Meals: sandwiches, varied; soup, varied
Beverages: water; soda, varied; fruit juices, varied

Meals: chicken; goose; ham; salad, varied; vegetables, varied
Desserts: pie, varied; candy, varied; pastries, varied; cookies, chocolate chip and frosted
Beverages: water; wine, varied; soda, varied; coffee; hot chocolate, with or without candy cane

tower report

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