[fic] taboo

Dec 20, 2010 18:26

Title: Taboo
Author/Artist: chromatic_coma @ gertalia_santa
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Germany, Italy, brief Romano appearance; Germany/Italy
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Lust
Warning(s): A lustful hormonal teen protagonist, wet dreams, masturbation, Student/Teacher romance (totally legal), present tense
Summary: Ludwig's heart palpates unnaturally every time Mr. Vargas' tongue darts out to lick those luscious lips of his. But no, it's not possible for him to be falling for his teacher... is it?
Notes: The cut below is a link to the entry, which is posted @ gertalia_santa. The fic was written as a part of this exchange for midori_lover.

x-posted @ hetalia, gertalia

Sprawled on the floor, with papers fallen all around them, are the most perfect pair of legs Ludwig has ever been blessed enough to see in his entire life.

♫ character: s. italy, ♪ fandom: axis powers hetalia, ☼ exchange, ♫ character: n. italy, ♫ character: germany, ¶ pairing: germany/n.italy

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