I am actually excellent, but thank you Sarah for your kind words. I hope the New Year treats you well, it certainly seems as if you've been working hard enough to deserve it.
BTW... Colorado has bizarre weather! I've heard about it in the news almost constantly, I hope you're holding up well at that end.
Hi. It's Cassie. I have been leaving messages here and there in your internet footprints, because I have no way to contact you anymore, and I would really like to have at least one conversation. Just to say hi, to know how you're doing and everything... Seriously. Email me at kairotique(at)gmail(dot)com if you happen to get this, please. I would very much like to talk to you again at least once before we lose track of each other permanently and have no way to talk to each other even if we wanted to.
Comments 7
BTW... Colorado has bizarre weather! I've heard about it in the news almost constantly, I hope you're holding up well at that end.
Best of luck. :)
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