Hey hey, Animoosians. Wingus here - I have heeded your opinions, and bring you Protoman, from the musical put forth by those cool bard dudes The Protomen. Protoman is, as I mentioned in the poll post, a grumpy git who dislikes humanity as a whole but he'd really like to like them again, it's just all the ones he met are lazy assholes and he'd love to be proven wrong about how much humans suck. He's orange-collared and is rooming in 1-02 with Romano, Romeo, and America.
And for those not familiar with him, have
a song that once Dr. Light shuts up is pretty much Protoman musically ripping humanity a new one.
Enjoy your misanthropic android, tower people. 8D
Also, for you new folks that I've been too lazy to add on Plurk - feel free to hit me up over on