September Activity Check

Sep 26, 2011 06:45

Once again, it's time to make sure you're all being active.

Here's the rules.

To pass activity check, you must have fifteen comments within this past month. These comments do not all have to take place within the same thread or post (though it'd be more convenient for us to check, hint hint).

You have until the 30th (this Friday) to reply to this post with links to your activity! If you don't have enough activity yet, please try to get some together by then. You will need to check in each character individually, but please post them all in one comment if possible.

If you do not reply to the Activity Check, you will have until October 2nd to reply to the list of those who missed AC with your explanation/activity; with a good reason, you will pass the AC. If you cannot pass AC or fail to provide an explanation, you will be dropped.

If you wish, you may ask for a second chance. This will allow you to skip this activity check. However, you will have to provide double activity (thirty comments) in the following activity check, and you may not second chance more than three times.

Characters who have apped within the last week or within the coming week are exempt from this activity check. Anyone on hiatus is exempt from this activity check.

Please reply using this form!

Character: (Please specify AU or OU)
Activity link(s): Here

*activity check

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