Nov 15, 2011 00:29
I suppose t)(e dramatics )(ave finally come to an end?
Per)(aps we may get back to business, unless t)(e lot of you are too busy wading waist deep in self-pity.
I recall assigning at least one of you a task to be done, and I don't like to be kept waiting.
You know w)(o you are, and I expect an update t)(is instant, and not a moment later.
I )(ave inquiries for two more of you, and a demand of one of t)(e same.
My )(elmsman.
See to it t)(at bot)( of you respond, or locate me promptly.
I )(ave my own agenda t)(at I must see to.
[au6] Ψiioniic,
[ou] santana lopez,
[au6] signless,
[au6] orphaner dualscar,
[au6] condesce